SEEDS kynnir spennandi tækifæri í Svíþjóð og á Spáni

Sjálfboðaliðasamtökin SEEDS kynna spennandi tækifæri erlendis fyrir ungt fólk á aldrinum 18 - 30 ára um alla Evrópu í samstarfi við Ungmenna- og Erasmus+ áætlanir Evrópusambandsins.

Þátttakendur fá allt að 70% ferðakostnaðar endurgreiddan, auk þess sem þeim er séð fyrir fæði og húsnæði á meðan að verkefninu stendur.

Athugið að meðfylgjandi eru linkar þar sem hægt er að fá ítarlegri upplýsingar um verkefnið.

Umsóknarfrestur er sunnudaginn 22. júní 2014.

Umsóknareyðublað er að finna hér: www.seeds.is/files/SEEDS-umsoknarform.doc og eru áhugasamir beðnir um að fylla það út á ensku.

Are you interested in travelling, meeting new people, getting to know different cultures and having fun?

SEEDS Iceland is offering exciting opportunities abroad for young people aged 18-30 years across Europe in cooperation with the Youth in Action & Erasmus + programmes.

Food and accommodation are provided within the projects. Participants will additionally receive a 70% reimbursement of their travel expenses to an upper limit for each project. 

You will find more information regarding the projects under the corresponding links.

If you know someone who may be interested in volunteering abroad, please feel free to share this call for candidates.


1. “Reco-Operando” – Anora, (Cordoba) Spain

When: June 30 to July 8, 2014

Deadline for application: June 22.

Theme/aim of the project:

Involve young people to actively participate in the construction of Europe, thereby responding to the needs expressed by our youth group. Carrying signs of our culture and the essence of our identity to others, learn to value the traditions and culture of other countries. The main theme in this project is that the departments of culture, environment, education and sport are working jointly.

More information about the project can be found here.
You will find the application form under this link.


2. "Österlen and Europe - local youth action for a sustainable world”  -  Sweden

When: July 2 to 9, 2014

Deadline for application: June 22.

Theme/aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to create a more sustainable and peaceful Europe, through inspiring the participants to become aware of, and become active in, local and global issues. This will be done by providing an intercultural meeting place, and presenting the participants concrete tools through workshops and inspirational examples of best practice projects in the local context.

More information about the project you will find here.
You will find the application form under this link.


3.  "In and Out” – Youth Exchange - Calnegre (Lorca, MURCIA) Spain

When: August 18 - 26, 2014

Deadline for application: July 1, 2014.

Theme/aim of the project:

We think that this exchange can act like a spark in many young people to discover this type of activities as an alternative to their leisure time and encourage their motivation and interest in sports activities that are benefiting their physical and mental well-being and learn vital abilities they need and will need to overcome in an appropiate way the challanges which are going to appear in their lives. We are going to carry out different types of activities related to the main topics: sport and out-doors activities, protection of environment activities, presentations of the organizations, knowledge, confidence and interultural learning.

More information about the project you will find here.
You will find the application form under this link.


Frekari upplýsingar veitir Anikó VERES, á outgoing@seeds.is. Vinsamlegast takið fram nafnið á verkefninu í "subject" á tölvupóstinum svo að ljóst sé um hvaða verkefni er verið að spyrja.

Kíktu á fleiri tækifæri erlendis með SEEDS á www.seeds.is/ungmennaskipti-youth-exchange  og kynntu þér málið!

Upplýsingar um verkefnin og starfsemi SEEDS er að finna á heimasíðu okkar, www.seeds.is

SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis heiminn
SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis heiminn
Grettisgata 3a
101 Reykjavík

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